Biden Admin. Considering Amnesty for Undocumented Spouses of US Citizens



  • The Biden administration is reportedly considering a proposal that would give amnesty to undocumented spouses of US citizens and allow them to work in the country legally.1
  • The policy would fall under a program known as 'parole in place,' which protects undocumented immigrants from deportation and allows them access to a work permit. It also provides some with easier access to green cards and a pathway to US citizenship.1
  • This move comes less than a week after the White House announced stricter restrictions on the US southern border and asylum to combat the illegal immigration crisis. Roughly 1.2M undocumented spouses would be protected.2
  • The 'parole in place' policy has been used for family members of US military members.3
  • Biden's executive order limits the number of migrants who can claim asylum in the US and threatens to shut down the border whenever the daily number of illegal crossings averages more than 2.5K. It didn't include protections for undocumented spouses of citizens.4

Sources: 1New York Times, 2Politico, 3FOX News and 4The Epoch Times.


  • Democratic narrative, as provided by CNN. This is a common sense, compassionate approach to immigration. While some progressives were disappointed with Biden's recent executive order, it's clear the president is nothing like former Pres. Donald Trump, who literally wants to deport every undocumented immigrant. Granting protections to the spouses of US citizens will help more than 1M people in a way that most Americans can support.
  • Republican narrative, as provided by New York Post. Biden has left the border open for his entire term, and now that he's received backlash over this executive order, he's feigning concern about illegal immigration. Polls show most Americans support deporting undocumented immigrants, but instead, the president is offering amnesty to millions — showing he's more beholden to the far left than the country as a whole.
