50 UN Countries Condemn China's Actions In Xinjiang


  • On Monday, 50 UN member states signed a statement condemning China's alleged crimes against humanity in its Xinjiang region and demanding "urgent action" from the UN against reported human rights violations against ethnic Uyghurs.
  • This joint statement on behalf of mainly Western countries comes after the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) released an independent assessment claiming that the detention of Uyghurs "may constitute international crimes, particularly crimes against humanity."
  • The countries expressed concern that Beijing has so far failed to discuss the report's findings and urged the Chinese government "to fully implement the recommendations," including releasing those allegedly arbitrarily detained and arranging safe contacts and reunions with "missing family members."
  • In response, Cuba led a joint statement on behalf of 66 countries — including Saudi Arabia and Venezuela — supporting China and condemning an alleged politicization of human rights.
  • Earlier in October, the UN Human Rights Council narrowly rejected a Western-led motion to hold a debate about the alleged human rights abuses in Xinjiang. Monday saw renewed calls for such a debate.
  • Human rights groups have accused the PRC of sweeping at least a million people from Muslim minority groups into detention camps in Xinjiang where they were reportedly tortured, sexually assaulted, and forced to abandon their language and religion. [

Sources: Usmission, Washington Post, DW, Global Times, and Al Jazeera.


  • Anti-China narrative, as provided by The Economist. There's little doubt that Beijing has been conducting crimes against humanity in Xinjiang. With its disregard for individual rights, the PRC has overseen one of modern times' worst rights violations outside a war zone while justifying its actions by emphasizing economic growth. The international community, particularly the West, has a moral obligation to defend human rights, even if it means confronting Beijing.
  • Pro-China narrative, as provided by China Daily.  Western claims about human rights violations in Xinjiang are fabrications designed to misinform public opinion and exploit this issue to destabilize China. Beijing is merely taking action to fight extremism and terrorism in accordance with the law, and those criticizing China while turning a blind eye to their own violations are just revealing their hypocrisy.
