4 Palestinians Killed in West Bank


  • At least four Palestinians were reportedly killed in the West Bank on Tuesday as violence continues to escalate throughout the disputed territory. Near Hebron, one man was killed and at least eight others wounded during clashes.
  • In a village near Ramallah, two brothers were also allegedly killed by Israeli forces. Finally, a Palestinian man reportedly rammed his car into an Israeli soldier, seriously injuring her, before being shot dead by Israeli police.
  • Tuesday's clashes began when two Israeli military vehicles stalled outside Beit Ummar during what the army alleged was a routine activity. According to the Israeli military, troops opened fire when protesters shot at them and hurled rocks and Molotov cocktails.
  • The two brothers killed in Kafr Ein, near Ramallah, were identified as Jawad Abdulrahman Rimawi, 22, and Dhafer Abdul Rahman Rimawi, 21. The Israeli military didn't immediately comment on their deaths.
  • The reported violence comes as Israeli politics has shifted to the right, with incoming PM Benjamin Netanyahu last week naming the far-right Itamar Ben-Gvir as security minister with powers over policing the West Bank.
  • Meanwhile, the Israeli military has increased its activity across the West Bank following several alleged attacks by Palestinians earlier this year, as well as a recent bombing in Jerusalem that reportedly killed two Israelis.

Sources: Stripes, Associated Press, Reuters, and Naharnet.


  • Pro-Palestine, as provided by Al Jazeera. Yet again, Israel is committing crimes against humanity by killing Palestinians with wanton aggression. The past year has been one of the deadliest years for Palestinians since the second Intifada, with hundreds of Palestinians being murdered by the Israeli regime. Israel must be held accountable for its crimes.
  • Pro-Israel, as provided by Times of Israel. Though Palestine supporters like to pretend that the Israeli military seeks to kill Palestinians with abandon, in reality, it's simply responding to Palestinian violence and terrorism. This has been a deadly year for Israelis, including a bomb attack in Jerusalem last week, so it's no surprise that the military needs to increase its operations in the West Bank. The violence will end when Palestinians put down their weapons.